Posts by frankandmaven
Keeping Our Eyes Healthy as We Age
Among the many changes our bodies undergo as we get older are the changes to our eyesight. Early diagnosis is critical for stopping many sight-threatening conditions in their tracks, which is why we should be on the watch for signs of age-related vision loss. There are also more benign ways our eyesight can change over…
Read MoreThe Importance of Eye Protection for Athletes
An estimated 90% of eye injuries are preventable if the right eye protection is worn. That means that 27,000 out of 30,000 sports-related eye injuries in America could be avoided by taking this one simple precaution. You might think of eye protection as something for welders or construction workers, but clearly, it’s just as important…
Read MoreHello world!
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Read MoreHow Does Animal Eyesight Work?
We wouldn’t have gone into the optometry field if we weren’t fascinated by eyes, and there are some incredible ones in nature. There is such incredible variation in how eyes work across the animal kingdom that we could spend years studying and barely scratch the surface, so to start out, we just want to take…
Read MorePrevent and Minimize Digital Eye Strain
Digital screens have become an increasingly prominent part of our lives in recent decades. Whether you work from home on your computer, work from an office on your computer, or simply own a smartphone, you are likely spending a significant portion of your day with your eyes fixed on a bright screen, and this can…
Read MoreEye Exams: Vital to Your Child’s Education
A staple of every school nurse’s office is the big E eye chart. That chart, the formal name of which is the Snellen chart (after the 19th-century Dutch eye doctor Herman Snellen who developed it), is certainly a good diagnostic tool for catching nearsightedness, but there are many other things that could be wrong with…
Read MoreWhat Is Pink Eye?
How much do you know about conjunctivitis (pink eye)? The main symptoms of pink eye are the redness that gives it its common name, itchiness, and either thick or watery discharge. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the clear outer layer of tissue that covers the surface of our eyes and the insides of our eyelids…
Read MoreEyesight Is More Than 20/20 Vision
We tend to think of 20/20 vision being a synonym for perfect eyesight, but that isn’t quite true. All it means when someone has 20/20 vision is that they have normal visual acuity without refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. There is a wide range of vision problems that have nothing to do with…
Read MoreWhat Are the Most Eye-Healthy Foods?
We’ve all heard that eating carrots will give us amazing eyesight. Fun fact: that idea is actually leftover World War II propaganda. The British wanted to keep their new radar technology secret from the Germans, so they claimed far and wide that their airmen got superhuman night vision by eating lots of carrots. Whether the…
Read MoreWelcome to the Glasses Club!
Wearing glasses can be a big adjustment for kids when they’re just starting out. The temptation can sometimes be to leave the glasses at home instead of wearing them, even though that means going through a day of fuzzy vistas and squinting. That’s why today’s post is all about helping parents help their kids see…
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