Sports and Visual Skills

When we think of athletes, we probably think of speed and strength first, but what about vision? Strong visual skills are just as important to an athlete’s success as strong muscles. Athletes have to be able to process visual information very quickly so that they can respond to it. The cool thing is that, like…

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What’s Unique About Women’s Vision?

When you think of the differences between men and women, vision and eye health probably aren’t on the list. By the time you finish reading this, they might be new additions, because women face many different eye health concerns over the course of their lives than men do. Women are more vulnerable to a number…

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Eyes Can Be an Access Point for Germs

When was the last time you rubbed your eyes? Most of us do it often enough that we might not even notice it every time it happens. Whether we’re tired, our eyes are dry or itchy, or we get something stuck in one of them, rubbing them is a quick and easy way to make…

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Are Your Eyes Ready for Allergy Season?

Nothing can ruin the beauty of spring quite so quickly as an allergy attack. What is it about the springtime that makes eyes turn red, itchy, and puffy? Is it only allergies? How can we tell when it’s something else? And, of course, what can we do to defeat seasonal allergies so that we can…

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Why Do We Need to Blink?

Blinking does a lot for the health and function of our eyes. Have you ever counted the number of times you blink in one minute? On average, adults blink between ten and twenty times per minute, and each blink lasts just a tenth of a second. We Blink to Keep Our Eyes Clean and Fresh…

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What Do Eyes Have to Do With Headaches?

Frequent headaches could be a symptom of an uncorrected vision problem. That’s right, if you experience a lot of headaches, it would be worth your time to schedule an eye exam. Not every headache is tied to a vision problem, and not all untreated vision problems result in headaches, but the connection between the two…

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Tanning Beds and Eye Safety

You might have heard that indoor tanning is a safe alternative to sunbathing, but that is false. A group of eye doctors, surgeons, dermatologists, and other physicians actually spoke to Congress in a briefing about the negative health effects of indoor tanning. The World Health Organization warns that indoor tanning brings a high risk of…

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Workplace Eye Safety

March is Workplace Eye Wellness month, so let’s celebrate by taking stock of a few ways to protect our eyes at work! This is going to mean very different things depending on what kind of job you have, whether you work from home or in an office, or you work at a worksite. That’s why…

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Yes, Eye Exams Matter

Regular eye exams (from an optometrist, not an app) are critical for lifelong healthy vision. We’re celebrating Save Your Vision Month by devoting an entire blog post to the top reasons to put an eye exam on the calendar. How often they should happen will depend on your individual situation, but in general, we should…

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How to Care for Your Lenses

Corrective lenses are such small things that make such enormous differences in our lives. Most people who wear glasses or contacts can remember what it was like the first time they were able to see individual blades of grass and leaves on trees after putting them on. It’s important to take good care of our…

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