Enjoy The Fireworks (But Protect Your Eyes)

The Fourth of July is a wonderful day to enjoy good food, good company, and, of course, an awe-inspiring fireworks display. If we want to be able to keep enjoying the sight of the rockets’ red glare in future years, however, we need to make sure we’re not putting our eyes at unnecessary risk of…

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Seeing Stars? Could Be An Ocular Migraine

If you’ve ever had a series of bright, flickering lights gradually obscure your vision and then go away, you might have had an ocular migraine. We typically think of migraines as the painful headaches that affect about 10 percent of the U.S. population, but the visual distortions that come with ocular migraines aren’t always related…

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What Are Eyebrows And Eyelashes For?

According to one MIT study, people might have a hard time identifying you if you didn’t have your eyebrows! While our eyebrows and eyelashes play a big role in the way our faces look, they aren’t just there to be pretty. In addition to helping us express emotion and stand out from the crowd, eyebrows…

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Finding Your Perfect Summer Shades

Summer is a great time to get some cool sunglasses and relax on the beach, but we should really be wearing our sunglasses all year. Choosing the right pair of sunglasses is a little more complicated than finding the ones that best suit your style. Our first priority should always be finding the pair that…

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Use Your Frames To Give You Your Best Look

Those of us who wear glasses know what a difference they can make to the way our faces look. Some of our friends might even have trouble recognizing us without our glasses at first. Because our glasses have such a big effect on our appearance, it’s crucial to understand how to take advantage of that…

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UV Rays And Our Vision

With summer just around the corner, a lot of us are probably looking forward to getting a lot of sun. However, it’s important to be careful not to expose our eyes (or our skin) to too much ultraviolet radiation, as it can cause a number of problems both in the short-term and the long-term. What…

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The Mechanics Of Eyesight

Our eyes are amazing, complicated organs. Many different parts have to work together to convert the light bouncing off everything around us into a continuous stream of images that we can understand. What are these different parts and how do they contribute to our ability to see? The Parts Of The Eye We’re not going…

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Why We Need Tears

We tend to only think of tears when something makes us cry, whether we’re watching a touching or tragic movie or we’re laughing so hard that our eyes water. However, tears are really the unsung heroes of eye health. They come in different types and there’s more to them than just water, so let’s take…

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Protecting Our Eyes From Allergies

Spring is here! Unfortunately, for many of us, spring comes with seasonal allergies that leave our eyes red, puffy, and itchy. Why does this happen to us every year? What can we do to help our eyes enjoy the spring season better? What Causes Seasonal Allergies? Technically, allergies aren’t limited just to spring. Plenty of…

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Let’s Look At Women’s Eye Health

We all know there are differences between men and women, but it might surprise you that some of those differences have to do with our eyes! In general, women are less likely than men to sustain an eye injury during their lifetime, but the unfortunate tradeoff is being more susceptible to various eye diseases. Women…

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